CUP: B28I23006150007
Brief description of the project and its purposes
Il progetto sviluppa il trattamento in campo ortodontico intercettivo delle malocclusioni attraverso l’utilizzo di un dispositivo ortodontico removibile personalizzato da realizzare in silicone biomedicale in stampa 3D attraverso un sistema semiautomatico per la realizzazione di apparecchiatura ortodontica personalizzata dotata di una piattaforma che consenta al dentista di caricare le impronte ottiche della bocca e i parametri che rappresentano la sintesi diagnostica compilata dal medico.
Le innovazioni del progetto risiedono in tre aspetti:
- ideare dispositivi ortodontici personalizzati per la correzione di ogni tipo di malocclusione durante la crescita dentale (5-12 anni);
- finalizzare un sistema proprietario di stampa 3d in silicone biomedicale;
- sviluppare un algoritmo per disegnare in modo semiautomatico tali dispositivi in maniera personalizzata in base ai dati biometrici e diagnostici dei pazienti. L’algoritmo, fornito come applicativo web, si basa su modellazioni e ottimizzazioni matematiche della crescita dentale del paziente. I dispositivi vengono poi prodotti in silicone tramite la nuova tecnologia di stampa proposta.
Progetto cofinanziato dal Fondo Europeo per lo sviluppo regionale
Programma operativo Regionale Campania FESR 2021-2027 Asse 1 “Ricerca, Innovazione, Digitalizzazione e Competitività” Obiettivo specifico 1.1 “Sviluppare e rafforzare le capacità di ricerca e di innovazione e l’introduzione di tecnologie avanzate” Azione 1.1.3 “Promuovere la creazione e il consolidamento di startup innovative e spin off, e l’attrazione di aziende e capitali” – AVVISO PUBBLICO “CAMPANIA STARTUP 2023” – PROGETTO MYOTWIST
CUP: B21B19001300007
Brief description of the project and its purposes
The project is about the use in the dental field, and more precisely in orthodontics, a little widespread therapeutic approach throughout the use of preformed devices made of an elastic material for medical use (biomedical silicone) to be applied to growing patients. Specifically, the aim is to create a series of specific devices devoted to the treatment of asymmetries in the growing phase of the children.
Prototypes of these devices will be designed with softwares such as autocad or solidworks and subsequently built with 3d printers.
To complete the evaluation of the use of the device and, in particular, to control the displacement of the teeth by reducing the number of checks in the office, a software will be created and used in conjunction with a smartphone to record a series of images to be analyzed and compared with the previously acquired images creating a starting point. This will allow the system to carry out a comparative analysis and provide adequate alerts to the dentist in case of anomaly.
The smartphone supports prototypes (Dental Checker) will be 3D printed in materials other than those used for the final production of the devices (pet for medical use).
The project will be developed on two main axes:
1 - development of preformed molds (prototypes) made with 3d printers from which to create devices, specific for each patient, by the injection of biomedical silicone; these devices will be fitted with temperature and pressure sensors aimed at acquiring data for evaluating the progress of the therapy;
2 - creation of a remote monitoring system to carry out evaluations during the therapy phase and also to assess the possible presence of caries and gingivitis and therefore, in addition to the purely therapeutic aspect, combine preventive aspects. To do this it will be necessary to develop software with artificial intelligence capabilities, hardware to support the smartphone and a support system to connect the smartphone to the mouth.
Expected costs for the project = € 260,935.80
Contribution granted = € 182,655.06
Co-financed Project by the European Union - 2014-2020 Programming Por Campania Fesr 2014-2020, Priority Axis 1 "Research and Innovation", Specific Objective 1.1 "Increase in business innovation activity", Action 1.1.3 "Support for economic development of innovation through experimentation and the adoption of innovative solutions in processes, products and organizational formulas, as well as through the financing of the industrialization of research results "